Emotional intelligence for kids ages 6 to 11

Learn to recognize and acknowledge the emotions of others
We will learn to understand our own feelings
Learn how to deal
with conflict situations
Show the child the diversity of human characters and personalities
Predict the possible consequences of your decisions and actions
We will teach the basic principles of teamwork and identify strengths
Teach how to give
constructive feedback

Master the basics of soft-skills in 20 minutes a day

You will learn the types of emotions, how to show empathy,
how to work in a team and act in conflict situations in a story-driven game format. We will reveal what you won't be told at school.
Unit 1. Getting to know emotions
In this topic, we will introduce the child to the spectrum of human emotions, try to understand their own feelings, and also recognize the emotions of others. How are interest and surprise related? Is it possible to stop worrying at the blackboard and is fear really so terrible?
Unit 2. Conflict resolution
As part of the course, we collected and adapted scenarios for the most common conflict situations in which a child may find himself in a school age and beyond. How to proceed or resolve it? Do I need to ask for help?

Unit 3. Personality types
The main goal of this course is to show the child the diversity of human characters. We are all different in some ways and similar in others. Why do some kids make new connections easily, while others are more reluctant to make contact, and how do different people make decisions?
Unit 4. Teamwork
The course introduces children to the basic principles of teamwork, teaches them to identify and consider the strengths of each team member, and to give constructive feedback.

Story-driven game lessons with tutor
Our lessons are full of interactive stories with interesting plots, illustrations, and animations.
When you sign up for our EI lessons, you get access to fun, story-based courses on 6 topics, including financial literacy, science, and math
Mini-group lessons twice a week or in-depth individual classes. This way, all soft skills skills are developed more effectively!
Development of all key skills
Effective group lessons format
Games-based learning is the key to success!

Everyone in our classes gets individual attention, but the kids also participate in exciting team challenges!
During the lessons, the children earn internal currency that they can spend however they choose: on EdCraft courses, coloring books, and other fun items
Group dynamics
Prizes and awards
Interactive assignments
During the lessons, children solve gamified exercises on the EdCraft platform with the goal of consolidating the learned material.

Free introductory lesson

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